Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dinosaurs around 700,000 years after mass extinction?

In the university of alberta, researchers determined a fossilized hadrosaur femur bone to be 64.8 million years old. This means that the dinosaur was alive around 700,000 years after the mass extinction, believed to be caused by a massive meteorite. Colleagues used a new dating method called U-Pb, which reads the uranium levels in fossils. Normally, bone doesn't have any to a little ammount of uranium, but durring fossilization, the bone is deposited with materials such as uranium. Once fossilization is complete, the uranium starts to deteriorate. In this way, U-Pb can read the uranium levels and date the bone.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tough glass?

       A new type of glass has been created and tested that is stronger and tougher than steel. It has been tested and developed at the U.S. Department of Energy. "The new metallic glass is a microalloy featuring palladium, a metal with a high 'bulk-to-shear' stiffness ratio that counteracts the intrinsic brittleness of glassy materials" (*). This glass becomes more compact when stressed, making it bend instead of breaking(*). This means that for dangerous jobs or experiments, people can be safer when standing behind this glass. In conclusion, this new glass is a great invention and will make the world a better place.

For more information, go to...

(*)ScienceDaily 10 January 2011. 11 January 2011