Thursday, May 19, 2011


     In science class, we are studying waves. Recently, we did two projects involving a jump rope and a Slinky. Our first assignment was to flick the jump rope back and forth every second. When we did this, the waves we created were large, yet slow. Then we had to flick the rope twice a second. This significantly sped the waves up, but made them decrease in size. Our second experiment was when we took a Slinky, pulled a few coils to the side, and let go. This created a wave that bounced back when it reached the other side. We then had to pull a few coils in towards ourselves and let go. This made a wave that didn't bounce back. Finally, we had to flick the Slinky from side to side, which created waves that bounced back.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


     Scientists have discovered a new dinosaur which they have dubbed Eodromaeus. This dog-sized dino weighed approximately ten to fifteen pounds and was four feet from snout to tail. It had serrated (steak-knife like) and long, sharp claws. It also had grasping fingers and could run at about twenty miles per hour. This dino's bones were found in the foothills of the Andes in Argentina, more specifically, in the valley of Ischigualasto. For more information, go to